

Interior and service design for self-service fitness center

Project description

  • Project type: Environment experience design and service design
  • Date: Sep 2015 - Dec 2015
  • Responsibility: User research and service design leader

About xiaoxiongkuaipao

Xiaoxiongkuaipao is a mobile application provides fitness center reservation service. Due to brand expansion and market competition, XXKP planned to open its own fitness center.

As one of the first online fitness center reservation platform in China, XXKP hoped its fitness center can be different from traditional ones. The XXKP fitness room would be almost self-service and highly combined with XXKP application. Hence, XXKP needed an integrated service and interior design solution.



User research

Mystery customer, observation and interview were used on the user research stage.

By observing competitors and interviewing practitioners, our user research team discovered the current problems in traditional fitness center, and forecast the hidden problems came from self-service mode.

XXKP members were recruited in the user interview. We collected their fitness habits and opinions on XXKP application, so that we could design the service strategy to meet XXKP's requirements.

Experience and service design

With analysis methods, our team identified the typical users, and generated the whole user experience blue print of XXKP fitness center. We selected the following four key design points according to our user research results.

  • Solve the safty, sanitation and management problems from self-service mode.
  • Motivate new customers to become long-term XXKP members.
  • Satisfy old XXKP users and increase the retention rate.
  • Spread XXKP's brand by UGC in the fitness center.
user experience map

User experience map

Combine the space and service

To combine the interior design and the service design, we considered customer's journey in the fitness center, and set up service points all along the it. Focusing on the four key design points, one of the most important design results is that, XXKP have more self-service guides than other fitness centers. We forecasted the service failures, and tried to avoid them by setting right guides in the right places.

The needs of selfie was also an important consideration in our design. By motivating customers to take photos in XXKP and upload them to social media, we scuccessfully improved the customers' satisfaction, and helped promote XXKP's brand.

Other service strategies like service training, cooperation encouragement and failure recovery were also designed to form an integrated service package in XXKP fitness center.

self-service guides

Supportive self-service guides


Selfie point and users' feedback

Service Specifications

Two weeks after the first XXKP fitness center launched, our service design team conducted a return visit to verify and interate the service design. According to the operation results, we made service specifications to help XXKP reuse the service design. Currently XXKP have already operated 3 fitness centers in Beijing.


Design verification from users

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