//Sinovation Ventures


Environment experience design for incubator

Project description

  • Project type: Environment experience design and interaction design
  • Date: Oct 2015 - Mar 2016
  • Responsibility: Leading the interaction design of exhibition area, and supporting interior design team


Founded by Kai-Fu Lee, Sinovation Ventures (former name Innovation Works) is one of the earliest venture capital and business incubator in China. With a strategy and service change, SV planned to redesign its office in Beijing.

Sinovation Ventures

Sinovation Ventures

SV planned to reduce the rental seats, and increase the amount of the public space. Instead of providing workspace like other incubator, holding events, business visit, conference and discussion would become the main functions of the new office.

In order to seeking high-quality investment, SV hoped the new office can reflect the character of the company, and prensent its achievements in a novel way.

Separate the flows

By a quick user research, we discovered the severity of the conflict between the staff and visitors. Noise and privacy problems were most mentioned by the staff and management. For the visitors, they also felt embarrassed when they mistakenly entry the work area.

To solve these problems, we partly separate the public area and work area by a wall. Meanwhile, we redesign the flows for both visitors and staff, which ensure the employee not to be disturbed when there is a guide tour.


Redesign layout and flow

Exhibition design

As an incubator of Internet startups, large amount of performance data could be used as SV's achievements. However, seldom companies realized the importance of data presentation, or used a appropriate way to utilize the data. Considering the quick change of Internet market, our team chose a digital way to present visualized data. All the data of SV and startups invested by SV can be quickly updated, organized and visualized in a appropriate way. Visitors can easily understand SV's achievements by reading the graphs.


Interactive logo wall in lobby

guided tour

Guided tour in exhibition area


The redesigned office of Sinovation Ventures in Beijing successfully combined public visit function and office work function in a same space. The client was satisfied with the data visualization solution, and the interactive data visualization area have became a remarkable part of the guide tour of today's Sinovation Ventures. The new office play an important role in success of SV's new funding round.

Here is a official video filmed in the new office by Sinovation Ventures: Link

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