

Brand upgrade and product redesign for financial product application

Project description

  • Project type: brand upgrade and product design management
  • Date: Jun 2016 - Jul 2016
  • Responsibility: Scheduling and leading product design team to redesign Bunuo application and website. Participating the visual design for brand upgrade.

About Bonuo

Bonuo, formerly called Wealthbetter, is Innovation Works’ first investment in field of Internet finance (ITFIN). Differ from other Internet finance products like P2P or online banking, Bonuo tries to provide service of customized investment with experience as a virtual private bank.


Wealthbetter successfully acquired their first users and got a high repeat purchases rate, however, it faced the difficulty of user-scale expansion and the first purchase rate. According to user study, Wealthbetter found that new users had a low confudence before they received their first revenue. It also reported that the visual design of Wealthbetter was lack of indentification, and the application does not look like a ITFIN product. Hence, from Wealthbetter to Bonuo, the company wanted to improve their brand and visual identity, and have a fully upgrade of their website and mobile application.

Usability Testing and Experience Improvement

Due to the sensitivity of personal information and transaction data, the product structure and the use flow of Bonuo is complex. In this redesign project, I focused on the register module, verification module and personal information module, cleaning up the logical relations and interface elements. About 20 serious usability problems were listed out and solved. For the iOS and Android application, the interfaces were modified to become more suitable on mobile platform.

Improved index page

Redesign the register and verification flow and structure of personal information module

Balance the Space Between Functions and Confidence Information

Confidence information increases users’ trustfulness. However, it would be conflict with the limited operation space in the interface. In this project, one of the redesign strategies was balance the space according to the platform.

For example, on the index page of Bonuo mobile application, user can access the key functions or enter the purchase pages directly, while a concise confidence information bar just bellow the finance product list. On the PC website, more confidence information are boldly displayed between functions. You can always see the entries and the confidence information at the same time on one screen.

Improved index page

Improved index pages (mobile application and website)

Increase Purchase

The finance product list and the purchase page were also redesign to increase desirability. The visual priority of information is changed so that users can acquire the necessary data efficiently before they make the purchase decision.

purchase page

Improved purchase pages (mobile application)


The project last for 6 weeks. Cooperated with Bonuo’s design team, we finish the redesign of main modules include index page, personal information, finance product list, and product purchase. A visual guide and a adaptation guide are also provided to help Bonuo to finish the redesign of the remaining modules and pages. The new version of Bonuo has a higher user trustfulness and the average purchase amount has a significantly increase.

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